Visitors and Societies
We welcome visitors & societies with open arms at Ramsey. We’re often told what a friendly club we are, and we want it to stay that way.

Societies visiting Ramsey Golf Club can expect a warm welcome, a homely clubhouse perfect for groups, and a course that is suited to golfers of all levels.
We have a full society pricing guide - if you’re interested in finding out more, please contact Stuart (Professional) 01487 813022 or email: stuart.scott7@btconnect.com for latest up-to-date deals and to book tee times.
Prices Start From £20.00 per head (day/time-dependent)
Bespoke gifts to make your golf day really special...
Rules for Buggy Hire
(ride on)
It is appreciated by the Golf Committee and Management that many members rely on buggies to enjoy their golf; we do not wish to ban their use but please follow these few guidelines and we can help to keep buggies on the course:
Green Side Parking – White lines can get washed away and are not always evident, please keep 15 metres between your buggy and the green. Take extra care when pulling away, no wheelies.
Driving and Parking General Play – Where possible, use the rough between shots. Walking to your ball on the fairway to play your shot is ideal, if you are able.
If you see a worn track or slope avoid it if possible.

Dress Code
A standard of smart casual dress is required in all areas at all times. Society organisers should refer to the documentation supplied in advance. Please help us to maintain ‘our standards’.
Find out about dress code guidelines here
Become a member
Did you enjoy your visit to Ramsey?
Membership offers some great benefits.
Find out how to become a member now.