Mixed Pairs
Winners: Carol and John Harris 45 Points
Second: Alan Mawhinney and Chris Molyneux 44 points OCB
Third: Mark Pettit and Sheena Bentham 44 Points OCB
Men Pairs
Winners: Jack and Karl Richards 47 Points OCB
Second: Captain Phil Ackers and V-Captain Mark Langford 47 Points OCB
Third: Derek Lines and Tony Train 47
Nearest The Pins
2nd: Paul Mason, 5th: Andy Sayer, 7th: Carol Harris, 11th: Derek Lines, 13th: Ann Dawson and 17th: Gina Cameron
A big thank you to everyone who played and I hope you all enjoyed the day.
Many thanks: To my helpers Anne, Bryne and Robert at the half-way house and to Joyce for driving me around the course and setting up my prize table. To Margaret for taking the photographs at the presentation. To Captain Phil for his assistance and for putting up the gazebo on the 10th. To Richard (competitions) for ensuring that the competition ran like clockwork. To Stuart in the pro shop for my vouchers and to anyone else I have missed-thank you.
I bequeath my banner to Richard, our wonderful greenkeeper, to hang in his hut along with the others he has collected over the years.
Finally, my grateful thanks to you all for a wonderful President’s Day.
President Ina
The pictures taken on the day will be on the website: Evening presentation on – taken on the course tomorrow.