Winners: Paul Judge, Mike Kjenstad, Dean Lack and Ian Clarey 89 Points
Runners-up: Derek Day, Garry Coates, Phil Ackers and Howard Smith 87 Points
Third: Sharren Kjenstad, Ian Cornthwaite, Hugh Cameron and Lucy Mills 86 points
Best Front Nine: Captain Mark Langford, Carol Langford, G Hodson and Chris Wishart
Best Back Nine: Carol and John Harris, Mike and Dawn Robinson
NTP7 (L): Caroline Clarey
NTP13 (M): Mike Robinson
NTP4 in 2 (M): Phil Ackers
NTP18 in 2 (L): Carol Harris
Best Team Name: A ladd & The 3 Genies
Best Dressed: Finding Vino
Presentation by Mrs Sally Thomas, who organised the event. More photographs here